Dr. Prakash Chhajlani
Pioneer Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery center . We have believed in Being the best and Giving the best to our patients since 1986 in India and abroad.Our team includes experienced and caring professionals who share the belief that our care should be comprehensive and courteous – responding fully to your individual needs and preferences. Read More.

News & Views

Received the Times of India Health excellence award for Plastic Surgery More News & Views
Plastic Surgeries: What We Do Best
Surgical & Non-Surgical Procedures
- Face: Eyes, Lips, Ears, Cut ear lobe, Dimple creation, Cheek fat pad removal, Acne scars
- Nose: Rhinoplasty
- Breast Surgery: Augmentation (Size increase), Reduction, Sagging breast lift, Nipple correction
- Male Breast Surgery: Gynecomastia
- Body Shaping, Contouring & Weight Loss: Liposuction, Tummy tuck
- Fat Grafting & Rejuvenation:
- Birth Defects: Cleft lip & Palate, Birth marks
- Skin Conditions: Vitiligo (White patches)
- Non-Surgical Procedures: Botox, Chemical Peel, Fillers

Dr. Chhajlanis’ Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center, Ganga Jamuna Apartment, South Tukoganj, Near Nath Mandir, Indore 452001 India
Patient Satisfaction
Dr Chhajlani’s Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center is rated as one of the best in India when it comes to customer satisfaction. Our Google+ and Facebook reviews speak for themselves.
Less Pain
Your pain is our concern, you are in the best hands. We assure you of the best management in terms of Counselling, Surgical techniques, and after Surgery treatment.
The procedures are carried out by Dr Chhajlani who is very well trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon from Germany, USA and India.He has been in practice since 1986.